Zexuan Yan - Creative Technology
Zexuan Yan will be graduating from Creative Technology with her film “A Ladder Leads to Nowhere”
A Ladder Leads to Nowhere
The film is about coming to terms with loss and to keep living.

What is the first movie experience you remember?
I got a Barbie DVD as a gift from someone when I was 4. I watched it with my grandparents at dinner and have been obsessed with the Barbie series ever since.
What fascinates you about filmmaking?
To see a simple idea growing and building it into a world.
Why did you choose your department?
I think it is important to know how each role works in the process of filmmaking.
Did anything particularly surprise you during your studies?
I'm quite surprised how practical the classes are designed.

And what does the future look like?
Hopefully like an epic adventure film— filled with creative projects, unexpected character development, and probably a few continuity errors.