Yuchen Zeng - Directing and Producing
Yuchen will be graduating from Directing and Producing on February 8th with his film “This Terrific World”

“This Terrific World”
World War III has ended. Nik, a soldier who finds it difficult to reintegrate into society; Green, a government official who refuses to leave his house out of fear; Jon, a dedicated man who finds it difficult to understand the truth, and Helen, a mysterious girl who loves to tell a story, meet in a world where they all compete with each other in a struggle to find out “What kind of world is this?”

What is the first film experience you remember that had an impact on you?
It was a night of my secondary school that I watched “The Rocky Horror Show”, which told
me that you can shoot anything in movies by any means.

What fascinates you about filmmaking?
I can work with a group of people I trust and through imagination build a world depending on
how it should be.

Why did you choose Directing and Producing?
I want to be a director if possible.
Did anything particularly surprise you during your studies?
I met amazing people.

And what does your future look like?
It looks like Happer’s comet, not the Hubble Space Telescope.